Large files upload tutorial

Added in version 1.1.0

In this tutorial we explore the ways to upload files to the Documenten API, depending on the file size.

The most relevant component for this tutorial:

  • Documenten API: for creating documents and uploading files (OAS)

The requirements for this tutorial

Overview of the file upload process in the Documenten API

The main resource of DRC API is EnkelvoudigInformatieObject which supports creating and editing documents. Its content can be divided into metadata (identificatie, creatiedatum, titel and etc) and file content. The main metadata of file content used by the DRC is the file size derived from the bestandsomvang attribute. The process of uploading files is determined based on the comparison of the value of bestandsomvang and the maximum file size.

The maximum file size is the size of request bodies that must be supported, currently defined around 4GB.

There are three options:

  • file size = 0, i.e. EnkelvoudigInformatieObject contains only metadata without file content. The EnkelvoudigInformatieObject is created using a single request to Documenten API.
  • file size ≤ maximum size. In this case the file content is expected to be in the inhoud attribute, using a single request.
  • file size > maximum size. Here, the file content should be split into parts and each part should be uploaded in a separate request.

Let’s get to work

In this tutorial we will consider all three ways to create an EnkelvoudigInformatieObject, based on the file sizes.

Configure maximum file size

The process choice depends on the maximum file size. The default value of this parameter is 4GB (or 4294967296 Bytes).

Configure ZTC

Creation of EnkelvoudigInformatieObject requires the link to informatieobjecttype, therefore we need to set up an InformatieobjectType first.

Open http://<ztc-ip>:8002/admin/ in your browser and log in with your username and password. The API address is from the ‘installatie en configuratie’ tutorial.

Create Catalogus

A Catalogus represents the collection of InformatieobjectTypes and other objects.

  1. Navigate to Catalogussen and click on Toevoegen.
  2. Fill in all the required fields.
  3. Click on Opslaan en opnieuw bewerken.

Create Informatieobjecttype

  1. Navigate to Informatieobjecttypen and click on Toevoegen.
  2. Fill in all the required fields.
  3. Click on Opslaan en opnieuw bewerken.

Request Informatieobjecttype

In the previous part we have created an InformatieobjectType. We retrieve it now to obtain the resource url.

Get Catalogussen:

   GET http://<ztc-ip>:8002/api/v1/catalogussen HTTP/1.0
   Authorization: Bearer abcd1234

Example response:

          "url": "<catalogus url>",
          "domein": "DEMO",
          "rsin": "123456782",
          "contactpersoonBeheerNaam": "VNG API-lab",
          "contactpersoonBeheerTelefoonnummer": "+31 (0)20 123 45 67",
          "contactpersoonBeheerEmailadres": "",
          "zaaktypen": [],
          "besluittypen": [],
          "informatieobjecttypen": [
              "<informatieobjecttype url>"

Now we have found a informatieobjecttype url, which we will use in the next step.

Create document

Now we will create EnkelvoudigInformatieObject, using all three different ways to upload the file data.

Create EnkelvoudigInformatieObject without file.

To create an EnkelvoudigInformatieObject only with metadata we need:

  • leave inhoud field empty
  • bestandsomvang = 0

    Example request:

      POST http://<drc-ip>:8000/api/v1/enkelvoudiginformatieobjecten HTTP/1.0
      Authorization: Bearer abcd1234
      Content-Type: application/json
          "identificatie": "12345",
          "bronorganisatie": "123456782",
          "creatiedatum": "2019-06-27",
          "titel": "detailed summary",
          "auteur": "document auteur",
          "taal": "eng",
          "bestandsomvang": 0,
          "bestandsnaam": "file_name",
          "informatieobjecttype": "<informatieobjecttype url>",
          "vertrouwelijkheidaanduiding": "openbaar"

The response contains the created document without lock.

Create EnkelvoudigInformatieObject with small file

To create the EnkelvoudigInformatieObject with a file size less or equal to the maximum file size we need to:

  • encode file content to Base64 and place it into inhoud attribute.
  • set bestandsomvang = the actual size of file, before base64-encoding.

    Example request:

      POST http://<drc-ip>:8000/api/v1/enkelvoudiginformatieobjecten HTTP/1.0
      Authorization: Bearer abcd1234
      Content-Type: application/json
          "identificatie": "12345",
          "bronorganisatie": "123456782",
          "creatiedatum": "2019-06-27",
          "titel": "detailed summary",
          "auteur": "document auteur",
          "taal": "eng",
          "bestandsomvang": 17,
          "bestandsnaam": "file_name",
          "inhoud": "c29tZSBmaWxlIGNvbnRlbnQ=",
          "informatieobjecttype": "<informatieobjecttype url>",
          "vertrouwelijkheidaanduiding": "openbaar"

The EnkelvoudigInformatieObject is created without lock.

Note that the response contains the download-url of the file in the inhoud attribute.

Create EnkelvoudigInformatieObject with a large file

To create the EnkelvoudigInformatieObject with a file size larger than the maximum file size we need to perform several requests.

  1. Create EnkelvoudigInformatieObject with specified file size

    • leave the inhoud field empty
    • set bestandsomvang = total file size
     POST http://<drc-ip>:8000/api/v1/enkelvoudiginformatieobjecten HTTP/1.0
     Authorization: Bearer abcd1234
     Content-Type: application/json
         "identificatie": "12345",
         "bronorganisatie": "123456782",
         "creatiedatum": "2019-06-27",
         "titel": "detailed summary",
         "auteur": "document auteur",
         "taal": "eng",
         "bestandsomvang": 5000000000,
         "bestandsnaam": "file_name",
         "informatieobjecttype": "<informatieobjecttype url>",
         "vertrouwelijkheidaanduiding": "openbaar"

    The created EnkelvoudigInformatieObject is locked by the API, which means that only users with the correct lock ID can change it. The response contains this lock ID and an array of bestandsdelen objects.

    Part of example response:

         "url": "http://<drc-ip>:8000/api/v1/enkelvoudiginformatieobjecten/<uuid>",
         "bestandsomvang": 5000000000,
         "locked": true,
         "bestandsdelen": [
                 "url": "http://<drc-ip>:8000/api/v1/bestandsdelen/<uuid1>",
                 "volgnummer": 1,
                 "omvang": 4294967296,
                 "voltooid": false
                 "url": "http://<drc-ip>:8000/api/v1/bestandsdelen/<uuid2>",
                 "volgnummer": 2,
                 "omvang": 705032704,
                 "voltooid": false
         "lock": "abcd"

    Each of the BestandsDeel objects includes information necessary for the upload of the file parts:

    • url: the URL to upload the file part to
    • volgnummer: the sequence number of this part. The order of merging file parts after their upload depends on this attribute.
    • omvang: the size of the file part in Bytes
    • voltooid: boolean that indicates if this file part is completely uploaded or not.
  2. Upload file parts

    Now we need to split our file into file parts so that their size matches the sizes of the BestandsDeel objects.

    After splitting the file we need to upload each file part in a separate request. Each request must have Content-Type: multipart/form-data and contain the following data:

    • lock: lock ID, which was received in the previous step
    • inhoud: file part content in binary format

    The example request in Postman:


    In the result voltooid should change to “true”.

  3. Unlock the EnkelvoudigInformatieObject

    After uploading all the parts it is time to unlock the EnkelvoudigInformatieObject. By unlocking, the user indicates that the uploading process is finished and the file can be merged together from the individual uploadeded file parts.

     POST http://<drc-ip>:8000/api/v1/enkelvoudiginformatieobjecten/<uuid>/unlock HTTP/1.0
     Authorization: Bearer abcd1234
     Content-Type: application/json
         "lock": "abcd"

    During unlock, the following happens:

    • all file parts are merged into the resultinng file
    • all temporary file parts are cleaned up
    • the related BestandsDeel resources are removed
  4. Request the EnkelvoudigInformatieObject to verify the result

    We can request the created EnkelvoudigInformatieObject to see the changes.

     GET http://<drc-ip>:8000/api/v1/enkelvoudiginformatieobjecten/<uuid> HTTP/1.0
     Authorization: Bearer abcd1234
     Content-Type: application/json

    Part of the example response:

         "url": "http://<drc-ip>:8000/api/v1/enkelvoudiginformatieobjecten/<uuid>",
         "inhoud": "http://<drc-ip>:8000/api/v1/enkelvoudiginformatieobjecten/<uuid>/download?versie=1",
         "locked": false,
         "bestandsdelen": []

    Now the EnkelvoudigInformatieObject is unlocked, all bestandsdelen are removed and the file content can be downloaded via the inhoud url.


In this tutorial, we performed some actions in the Catalogus API:

  • created Catalogus;
  • created Informatieobjecttype

After that we explored 3 strategies to create a EnkelvoudigInformatieObject in the Documenten API:

  • metadata only (without a file)
  • with a small file
  • with a large file (multiple step approach)